We are your children

You watched us grow
So big into useless bastards,
Introduced us to this bare striping system.
They taught us to aim for distinctions
And understanding not worthwhile.
We sat in rows with the best in front
And probably the worst and dumb in the back.
But what good was it when we all wanted to learn
Although we were taught the same thing,
While our brains couldn’t contain it.
We had our own abilities
But this your system disabled our vision
Because we were not so bright
As per the world’s expectations.
Most bright futures were revoked
And I saw their bearers shrug in dismay
Thinking they were failures
When they had not attempted.
Still you looked at us
Even today you look at us,
And we see that disappointed eye
But we are still your children.
We lost confidence in creating our jobs,
Isn’t it that you told us
Pass in class to be employed.
When you look at us in disappointment
Remember that you misled us too,
Made us believe there is one way to kill a cat
But that aside,
We are still your children
We will rectify your unknown mistake
And we will find the second way to kill a cat,
Maybe we will come up with three or more.
