4 Truths on Evangelism: A Brief Analysis

By Jurgen Namupira

Title: 4 Truths on Evangelism
Author: Abel O Ngaliema
Release Date: 28 Feb, 2018

Sometime in 2017 my friend Krystell Kongolo introduced me to the book and emphasized on how much I need to read it. I loved the title and just could not wait to read it. Come February, 2018, the book was then released.

Who is Abel O Ngaliema?
He was born in Kinshasa and then moved to South Africa at the age of 11. Graduated from Ned Doman high school and then Cape Peninsula University of Technology in 2015 ( IT- Software Development ).
Currently working as a SOFTWARE DEVELOPER.

The Book
The number one reason why I was compelled to read this book is its subject, Evangelism. Abel defines Evangelism as; “a teaching (heralding, proclaiming, preaching) the gospel (the message from God that leads us to salvation) with the aim (hope, desire, goal) to persuade (convince, convert)” [pg22]. He then goes on to break it down into types of evangelism which are Testimonial, Personal and Proclamation.

The author does a good job in expanding these and I am going to look at these just in passing. As per the description of Abel, evangelism is a tool leading to the repentance of those preached to. Here is the most important thing I picked from the subtopic falling under the heading, Meaning of evangelism, and it reads, “Some can come to God by simply being inspired by the way you live. It is not always your good words that will amaze the world.” If I am to put this in simpler terms I would just say, Sometimes the inspiration is all behind walking the talk.

I am forced to rate Abel at 10/10, not only because he chose my favorite topic, but because he deserves. The book does not just throw in ideas haphazardly, but follows a well knitted pattern going step by step. The authors approach is not that of a matter of fact, it is rather reflection of proper study and understanding. Abel writes as if he is on the podium in your mind an you read. You actually hear the voice ringing bells in your spirit as you go word for word
